X-ray and Ultrasound

Non-invasive diagnostic tools used to identify internal issues and provide targeted medical care.

When we need to figure out what’s wrong with your pet, we routinely use x-rays to help identify the cause of the problem, rule out possible problems or provide a list of possible causes. We may also use x-rays during a wellness exam to diagnose potential problems before they become serious.

How do you use X-ray and radiology services at your hospital?

X-rays provide valuable information about a pet’s bones, gastrointestinal tract (stomach, intestines, colon), respiratory tract (lungs), heart and genitourinary system (bladder, prostate). We use radiology alone or in conjunction with other diagnostic tools.

We offer digital radiology (x-rays that are captured digitally rather than on film). This technology allows us to provide you with a quicker diagnosis for your pet. Plus, it uses less radiation than traditional x-rays.

To avoid a blurry image, the pet needs to remain completely still while we take an x-ray. In some cases, we may need to sedate your pet or use short-acting general anesthesia.

How should I prepare my dog for their X-ray appointment?

If sedation is needed it will require fasting overnight. Pets should fast for a minimum of 6 hours before an appointment for abdominal X-rays.

How much does a dog X-ray exam cost?

If X-rays are recommended, they would be part of a treatment plan prepared for you at the initial consultation.

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